5 Effective Guest Posting Methods to boost your SEO

5 Effective Guest Posting Methods to Boost your SEO

Ever wondered what the most effective guest posting method with the most amazing views and publicity is? Well, quite often, it is because the writer has the right strategy, be it for backlinks, keywords, and much more.

Before we dive right into effective Guest Posting Methods, you must understand its true essence and purpose.

What guest posting is all about is an article composed and posted on another person’s blog or website.

Guest posts are important works of art as they act as a passage for stardom and are means of showcasing your talent and expertise on the topic you may write on.

It is like getting your image referenced and creating your brand value. Many organizations consider guest posting services as an important element of their SEO strategy and use it to earn backlinks, that help them redirect the readers to their website.

However, before you begin your guest posting journey, here are five things to remember about guest posts:

  • Guest posts should be elegantly composed. They are a way to raise your profile as a thought leader.
  • Be careful of the topic you choose; this would be your way to expand your audience and also lead to referral traffic that can be tracked through Google Analytics.
  • Make sure you write for sites that allow backlinks, as it will boost your web presence.
  • Try to collaborate with a fairly known professional from your industry, the one you can piggyback on the fame.
  • Try not to post on low-rated websites that obviously post a ton of guest content. Your efforts would then be futile.

Ways to Find Guest Blogging Opportunities

  • Leverage lists of websites that accept guest posts. Since guest writing for a blog is a particularly well-known and inescapable strategy, you can easily find a lot of relevant websites that offers guest posting services on topics that relate to your niche. However, it is preferable to select a website with a high domain authority.


  • A speedy google search will probably raise various arrangements of sites that acknowledge guest post service. You should simply google “guest posts by____ “, add the name of a prominent person from your sphere of life who is well recognized. As luck has it, you will find many sites that have featured his/her articles that will eventually also be your go-to platform.


  • Start following well-known online journals in your niche while you dig over social platforms. Reach out for certain names and you are bound to find scholarly articles or viewpoints they have shared on their profile. Quite often they will be promoting the ones they have written themselves. You can simply see which guests get to publish content on reputed sites catering to your niche. You can then search for “Write to Us” section and get in touch with the platform sighting your interest in writing for them.

Now that you understand the value guest posting services or blogging hold, the next thing to do is ways to do it right. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to do it. Let’s jump to some effective guest posting methods to help boost your SEO edavours:

Be a stickler for following rules

Every good website that helps you showcase your expertise will have certain guidelines for guest posts as well. From word limit to the number of backlinks you can add.

It will also mention the kind of bio you can share and whether it would need a particular type of profile image.

Be careful while you read these guidelines as each site would have something different and if you do not adhere to them, there is the possibility of facing rejection.

Do not be run-of-the-mill

Research the site that you wish to write for and come up with guest post topics and ways to explain it in a manner that hasn’t been covered yet.

If that isn’t a possibility, try finding a way to add your own spin to add more value. It is crucial that your guest posts are intriguing to the audience it gets featured for.

It helps you in two ways, firstly you get relevant website traffic through the backlinks added; and second would be continuing the opportunity of writing for the website and not be a one-time wonder.

It’s all about quality

No matter how many years of experience you have, if your writing doesn’t hold good value, there’s a chance that your guest posting days are over.

When you write, take others’ opinions, it is important to have an honest critic closer to you. Your writing should be top-notch, grammatically correct, and must include keywords placed at the right place.

However, do not force keywords into your article, it’s a big no-no! Publications are often understaffed and wouldn’t spend a lot of time editing your content piece.

Patience is a virtue

Guest posting doesn’t come to you overnight. There are times when you would need to do a dozen follow-ups to get accepted.

Even after that, there’s no guarantee that the guest post would get published immediately. It can take days, weeks, or even months to get your guest post up and running.

The best way to find your way on the list faster is to choose a trending topic and have insights that are unique and backed by data or surveys.

Do not, it’s good to run frequent follow-ups with publishers, but do not be pushy or rude.

Leave your footprint

While all things go right, make sure that the platform you submit a guest blog on, has a short bio space for you. It is always beneficial to have a face to the thoughts.

Having a short bio about the author along with the organization he/she is working for, gives you the option to connect to your audience and have a way for them to check you out, literally!

Along with this, adding a link to your website or your personal blog would be awesome. If that isn’t an option, do make sure you have the option of adding a few backlinks to your findings within your guest posting.

Phheeewww! That was one elaborate list of to-dos, but trust us it will take you places for sure.

Now that you know the best practices around making your presence felt on the web, do make sure of sharing your guest blogs over and over on social platforms.

It’s important to be heard and seen constantly to ensure you maintain a strong brand presence and also get newer opportunities through it.

If you’re looking for professional SEO services for your startup, we hope that our blog post provides some insight. However, you always have a second option.